Using the Toolkit

The community toolkit is a comprehensive, turn-key resource to guide you on your journey through the survey process: planning, collecting, sense-making, sharing the data and catalyzing action to improve the well-being of children and youth – and involving them at every step. The toolkit will update regularly as communities create new approaches for each step in this journey.

Explore the toolkit and learn how to use the Community Child and Youth Well-being Survey to advance young people’s well-being.

Module 1: Introduction

This module introduces you to the purpose and uses of the Community Child and Youth Well-being Survey and the toolkit.

Explore Module 1


Module 2: The Survey Process

This module provides an overview of the survey process so you know what to expect and what you need to know if you’re ready for the survey. You'll also learn different ways to engage with youth at each stage of the process.

Explore Module 2


Module 3: Planning the Survey

This module guides you through the planning process. From building your team to setting goals, it helps identify and plan the tasks you'll need to complete throughout the survey journey.

Explore Module 3


Module 4: Collecting the Data

A number of options and tactics can be employed when collecting data. This module will show you how to collect a robust data set that reflects the diversity of your community.

Explore Module 4


Module 5: Understanding the Data

Once the data is compiled, you need to be able to understand it. This module helps you explore and make sense of the data in meaningful ways.

Explore Module 5


Module 6: Acting on the Data 

You've collected data, and you understand it. What now? Critical to the project’s overall success is communicating and acting on the survey data. This module shows you how to turn data into actions that can improve the lives of children and youth.

Explore Module 6


Youth Data Party Kit

When you have your data, engage young people in understanding it and deciding how to act on it. This kit supports sense-making and decision-making in steps 6 and 7 of the survey process.

Explore the Youth Data Party Kit


Other Resources

UNICEF Canada is helping to make Canada the best place in the world to grow up. We work with young people and decision-makers to design solutions and advocate for policy changes that will improve their lives. The Community Child and Youth Well-being Survey helps communities engage with youth to find out what better means for them.

Learn more about the Canadian Index of Child and Youth Well-being Framework and take a look at the most recent Child and Youth Well-being Survey results.
